Welcome to Overland Park Chiropractic, PA
Our Goal
Our goal at Overland Park Chiropractic, PA is to restore your mobility, keep you moving and ensure your body achieves its ultimate potential. Since our specialized Chiropractic Clinic was established in 2009, we have offered the highest standards of treatment and patient care. Book your appointment with us today by calling or texting us.
Overland Park Chiropractic, PA Services
A Personal Approach
Treatment & Therapy
At Overland Park Chiropractic, PA we hear your story and take a detailed history. To that end, we diagnose and create an individualized treatment plan including Treatment & Therapy aimed at achieving the functional goals we set together.

Chiropractic Techniques
Sacral Occiput Technique (SOT)
Webster (For Pregnancy)
Thompson Drop
Cox Flexion Distraction

Seth M. Thompson, D.C.
Overland Park Chiropractic, PA
Clinic Hours
We’re Here When You Need Us
Call or text to schedule your appointment. We offer times as early as 7AM.
Contact Us
8100 Marty Street, Ste 103
Overland Park, KS 66204
(Across from Matt Ross Community Center)
Phone: 913.375.8449
Fax: 913.273.7085